September Staff Picks!!
We hope that you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Please take a minute to check what our staff is loving to help them relax. We each picked 5 our Favorite Relaxing Items!! Come see soon!
We hope that you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Please take a minute to check what our staff is loving to help them relax. We each picked 5 our Favorite Relaxing Items!! Come see soon!
We are working hard checking in all the wonderful holiday items….Come see us, we love seeing you and want to help make your holiday season extra special.
A Small Collection Of Gnomes - Here's a sneek peek at some of our Gnomes! They will join the holiday party sometime in late fall, but we are aways happy to pull them out for you!
More Holiday fun with Vendor #3…..Cody Foster! Cody Foster has wonderful holiday items! We can’t wait to hear what you want to make your holiday season extra special this year!
More Holiday....Here is Vendor number 2.....This edition is full of wonderful Holiday items from Creative Co-op! Wreaths, Garland, Ornaments and many other items. Make a list, check it twice and email or call us with your wishes! Looking forward to hearing from you!
Here is the 1st of our Holiday inspired Newsletters. This one is full of festive ornaments & home decor. Don’t wait to make your list & reach out to let us know what you want!!
Email or call us...
Hi everyone...Robin would like a moment of your time to say hi and to share some info with you about the up coming Holiday season at the store. Then please enjoy some fabulous art from FabFunky!! 😊
Have you seen this display at the shop??? Well it is full of great posters/gift wrap from Cavallini Paper!! Here is a glimpse of what we carry. Please have a browse the next time you come to visit!!
New Books... Come see all the new books that we got in! We get so excited when we receive new books and we wanted to share them with you in the latest edition of the Talulah Chronicles! Enjoy and we hope that you find some that you would like to add to your families library.
Find out what the staff is loving currently at the store!! This month we all picked out some of our favorite store/picture books! We are hoping that you will fall in love with a few too, if you haven’t already!! Have fun!
As promised here is part 2 of our back to school issues. This issue is about pens, highlighters, erasers and more! Please know that we carry more then what is featured in this issue or in the previous issue. Come see us soon!
Even though this school year looks very different for everyone! We still need the right tools to start the new year, regardless if kids are learning from home, in person or a combination of both!
Please know that we are here to help with all your back to “school” needs!
Shop the way you want to.....
✔️come see us in person (see the safety guidelines on COVID page)
✔️make a private appointment before store opening
✔️curbside pick-up
🔸make a virtual shopping appointment
🔹message us on Facebook or Instagram
🔸email us your order
🔹call in your order
contact info:
phone number: 303-832-1230
Hope to see or hear from you soon!! 😊
Keep and eye for Part 2 of
Back to “School” Stock-Up where we will feature: Pens, Pencils, Colored Pencils, Markers, Highlighters, Pencil Bags and more!
The gift of reading!
This issue has a great collection of chapter books to take your child on their next adventure, from their room or their favorite reading spot!!
Are you a Saint or a Sinner?
The difference between the Saints and Sinners is the pigment. Saints are sheer and only contain 10% pigment to give you a hint of color, whereas the Sinners are 90% pigment and opaque in texture.
This is Part 2 of our fabulous Lipstick Queen collection! If you didn’t get a chance yet please check out the issue about our Shade Shifters & themed collections!
“I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick.”
Audrey Hepburn
Lipstick, A girls best friend! Find your next best friend in this issue of the Talulah Chronicles!
Which miniature set are you going to get? Discover the world of miniatures from Re-Ment’s, out of Japan...these blind box miniature sets are wonders waiting to be discovered by you! Collect them all.
We are MAD FOR tokidoki’s and know that you are too or you will be after checking out this issue of the Talulah Chronicles. Who doesn’t enjoying being suprised when opening a blind box, fingers crossed that you are going to get the character that you were hoping for, is it or isn’t it? Who caress, it just so much fun either way. Come pick out a few to start or add to your collection! Happy picking!!
Find a New Series that Your Kids will Love to Read!
Five reason why kids should read a book series...
1.Better Academic Performance: research suggests that reading for pleasure is linked to better performance on standardized tests and better academic achievement.
2.More Reading! Reading a book series, kids will develop a pleasure and love of reading, and they’ll be enthusiastic about what they’re reading.
3.Shared Intrests: Kids who read book series display a certain interest in the topic or the style of reading.
4.Complexity and Richness: Book series can go very deep and develop more complex characters and plots that keep kids interested.
5.Comprehension and Confidence: there is more comprehension supported in a book series: each new book in the series follows and builds on the first, making it easier for kids’ comprehension and confidence in their reading skills.